Madison and Cooper

Madison and Cooper

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Another shooting

Today there was a suicide at the local High school. The school that is 15 minutes down the road from us. We live in a small town and you think that something like that could never happen here. It scares me to death to know that a child was able to walk into school and kill himself in the bathroom. He had a modified shotgun with 30 rounds of ammunition and 2 Molotov cocktails. Thankfully no one else was harmed. But what was he doing with all of that stuff?? I am seriously afraid for the kids to go to school someday. School should be a safe place not a place where kids shoot each other or themselves. Condolences to the family that lost their son today.


Bama Cheryl said...

I know - how terrible it is (since we live relatively close to each other). I cannot imagine how his parents and classmates must feel. A boy I knew when we were in junior high killed himself. No one ever knew why. So tragic. So pointless.

Jamie said...

WOW! That is incredibly scary. A suicide leaves so many unanswered questions, I hope the family and school are able to move forward and begin the healing process.

The girls are currently in public school, but I'm really thinking about home school Béla and Kadie. Stuff like this (and even the Swine Flu running rapid in the school system) scares me!

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